Call Now to Stop “Right to Work” (For Less)

National “Right to Work” legislation was introduced by Republican Congressmen Steve King and Joe Wilson on Wednesday. This anti-worker policy would be devastating to wages, benefits, and the ability of workers to have a voice on the job. Despite misleading rhetoric, “Right to Work” does not enhance the rights of workers; it is designed solely for the purpose of dismantling unions.

This is a bill that threatens the foundation of the labor movement in all 50 states, and must be stopped. We need all hands on deck to defeat this bill. What you can do right now is call your members of Congress and tell them to oppose “Right to Work”. CLICK HERE for a directory of New Jersey’s Congressional Delegation.

Numbers don’t lie, and the fact remains that “Right to Work” laws are simply wrong for working people. On average, workers in states with “Right to Work” laws earn less, are less likely to have employer provided health benefits, and see a higher rate of workplace mortality.

For working people, many of whom are struggling to pay their bills and make ends meet, the introduction of such an ill-advised bill is not only an insult, but also a malicious attack on their livelihoods and ability to support their families. The fallout from this policy would be far-reaching. Not only would workers see their wages drop and standard of living undermined, but our economy and businesses, which rely on a vibrant middle class would be adversely impacted.

The New Jersey State AFL-CIO urges its affiliates, community partners, businesses, and elected officials to vigorously oppose this destructive, anti-worker bill. CLICK HERE and make a call to your members of Congress urging them to oppose “Right to Work” and instead pass laws that support the right of working families to make a living.